Beautiful fabric for those in artistic need.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Back to Dyeing

The beginning of 2014 was incredibly busy for us; it included 4 quilt show vendor booths in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, and a move to a new and smaller house. New house as in new-to-us, and a comfortable 1968 jem. 

We haven't been able to dye much fabric so far, but this house came with the perfect dye set up!  I'm using the indoor dye room with a tile floor, back yard access, and deep sink while Bill has made himself and his "guy things" at home in the basement and shed. 

We've produced about 40 yards of dyed fabric so far and the dye tubs are lined up as I write.   My favorite indigo dyes are below:

We're on a roll and preparing for our next show, the Alabama Quilt Symposium in Birmingham, Alabama (Hoover) June 4 - 7.    We hope to see you there!
